Treat Periodontal Disease - the Leading Cause of Adult Tooth Loss

Periodontal (gum) disease is a risk to your dental health and your general health. Untreated it can cause tooth loss and other serious health conditions.

Early diagnosis and symptom knowledge is key to treat periodontal disease

Your routine dental examinations and teeth cleanings in our Paso Robles dental office are a priority for detecting the early signs of gum disease.

  • Gum tissue evaluations can pinpoint the beginning or presence of disease.
  • Gum disease symptoms can include bleeding, inflammation, or swelling.
  • The phases of gum disease include gingivitis (phase 1) and periodontitis (ongoing, worsening phases).

Gum disease treatment is essential to prevent further development

Attention should be given to any symptoms. Delay could result in tooth loss or other health issues.

  • Stay current with your dental examinations and teeth cleanings (every six months).
  • Follow a gum disease diagnosis with recommended treatment such as eliminating infection beneath your gum line with a deep cleaning (e.g. scaling and root planing).

Contact your Paso Robles dentist, about your gum related symptoms. Schedule a gum evaluation to determine the health of your gums and discuss treatment solutions.

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Call (805) 239-2146 to connect with our team today!

Patients Experience


Healthy, Confident Smiles Start Here

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